Blog Filter By Jesus


What to Do With A New Beginning From Jesus

As a 21-year-old, a fresh start is what I wanted more than anything because life was empty and I didn’t like the way I had failed to live up to my own standards. Long story short, I came to know Jesus and got more of a fresh beginning than I imagined possible. 

Life is Hard but He’ll Be Back

Even after walking with Jesus for many years, God’s wonderful presence doesn’t erase the fact that life can be hard. There’s no doubt that being a Christian has meant becoming a person in touch with the joy of knowing Jesus every day. But we are all still humans going through the human experience, and it can get tough. 

Prayer Is Under Fire But Still Prevails

Prayer recently came under fire in a highly visible way, when a television show host mocked a high-level politician for saying God spoke to him. It’s sad and disturbing to hear someone on reality TV say that if you hear God speak back to you, it’s because you have a mental condition. 

Jesus and an Astounding Life

We are eternal souls, and we only get to live one life. Why not make it amazing, outstanding, and completely astounding? To really live radically, there is no better choice you can make than to follow Jesus with your whole heart. He makes life an exhilarating adventure, when you can get past all fears and stop listening to lies of the devil. 
Throughout my life as a born-again Christian and follower of Jesus, I’ve developed a theory about the secret power of nature. The wonderful impact being in nature has on us is a direct result of the fact that all of nature exists in full obedience to God.

The Secret Power in Nature

Throughout my life as a born-again Christian and follower of Jesus, I’ve developed a theory about the secret power of nature. The wonderful impact being in nature has on us is a direct result of the fact that all of nature exists in full obedience to God.
Jesus is actually the real thing! He doesn’t change with the tides of public opinion or new pressures for the sake of political correctness. God is unchanging, and many in the world consider Him and the Bible to be irrelevant for not conforming to the tim

The Really Real Thing is Truly Awesome

Jesus is actually the real thing! He doesn’t change with the tides of public opinion or new pressures for the sake of political correctness. God is unchanging, and many in the world consider Him and the Bible to be irrelevant for not conforming to the times. Nothing could be further from the truth!